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marathon training program with coach mario

Get ready to conquer the California International Marathon with Coach Mario's 12-week training program!

This comprehensive program is designed to help you reach your full potential on race day, whether you're a seasoned marathoner or tackling the distance for the first time. With Coach Mario's expert guidance, you'll receive personalized training plans, access to a supportive community, and the tools you need to achieve your goals.

The program includes

  • Structured training plan: Each week, you will receive detailed workout instructions, including running distances, paces, and cross-training activities.
  • Bi-weekly coaching calls: Coach Mario will host live Q&A sessions to answer your questions, address concerns, and offer personalized feedback.
  • Strength training and injury prevention: The program incorporates strength training and injury prevention exercises to help you stay healthy and strong throughout your training.
  • Course preview: No surprises on race day! Be sure to attend Mario's play-by-play online preview of the course to learn the tactics and tricks of CIM 
  • Nutrition guidance: Coach Mario will provide expert advice on fueling your runs and maintaining a healthy diet.
  • Community support: We are in this together! We encourage you to share your experiences, ask questions, and motivate each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to race CIM to join the program?

Absolutely no! You can join to train for any other endurance event you have scheduled, or just for fun.

I have never run a marathon before, is this for me?

Yes! Coach Mario's program is tailored to different levels athlete so we make sure the workouts are adapted depending on that. 

Okay, but why should I do this?

Marathon training is HARD! We know you love type 2 fun if you got this far into the GGTC website, but you don't have to do this alone! GGTC offers unconditional cheers and support. We have volunteers and cheerleaders all around the course that are there to support you during the most difficult miles. 

Still not sure? 

Please ask any questions to our Run director at 

Program Overview

 Target race: California International Marathon
When: Next one 2025
Duration: 12 weeks
 Coach: Mario Fraioli
Questions: Soledad Calderon -


Golden Gate Triathlon Club is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

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